§ Hyperbolic groups have solvable word problem
I have never seen an elementary account of this in a 'trust these facts, now
here is why hyperbolic groups have a solvable word problem'. I am writing
such an account for myself. It's an account for building intuition, so no
proofs will be provided except for the final theorem. All facts will be backed
by intuition. Since most of it is geometric, it's easy to convey intuition.
§ Graphs of groups, quasi-isometry.
- NOTE: I will consistently denote the inverse of g by g−1.
We can convert any group into a graph by using the cayley graph of the group.
We characterize hyperbolic space as a space where we can build 'thin triangles'.
We also think of hyperbolic space as where geodesics from a given point
diverge (in terms of angle) exponentially fast.
The choice of generators for the cayley graph gives different graphs. We can
assign a unique geometric object by considering cayley graphs upto quasi
isometry. The cayley graph of a group with respect to different generating sets
are quasi-isometric. We can now try to study properties that are invariant
under quasi-isometry, since these are somehow 'represented faithfully by the geometry'.
§ Hyperbolicity enters the picture
We now say that a graph is hyperbolic if the cayley graph of the group is
hyperbolic. We can show that hyperbolicity is preserved by quasi-isometry.
So this property does not depend on the generating set.
§ Isoperimetric Inequality
If we have a finitely presented group G=⟨S∣R⟩, and w
is a word in the free group Free(S), if [[w]]=1, we will have
This follows almost by definition. Since we have quotiented by r we can have
elements of r in between uu′. We will need to have a u′ since there's
nothing else to cancel off the u.
§ Area of a word
Let G=⟨S∣R⟩. Let w be a word in S such that [[w]]=e.
The area of the word w is the minimal number of such uru′ components
we need to write it down. Formally:
I don't understand the geometric content of this definition. I asked
on mathoverflow .
§ Isopermetric function for a group
f:N→N is a Dehn function or isoperimetric function
if the area of the word is upper bounded by f(∣word∣). In some sense, the
length of the word is the perimeter to the area, and this gives us a form
of the isoperimetric inequality. Formally, f is a Dehn function if for all
words w∈F(S) such that [[w]]=e, we have A(w)≤f(∣w∣). depending
on the growth of f, we say that G has linear, quadratic, exponential etc.
Dehn function.
§ Geometric content of Area
We define a map to be aninite, planar, oriented, connected and simply connected
simplicial2-complex (!). A map D is a diagram over an alphabet S iff every
edge e∈D has a label lbl(e)∈S such that lbl(e−1)=(lbl(e))−1.
Hang on: what does it mean to invert an edge? I presume it
means to go backwards along an edge. So we assume the graph is directed, and we
have edges in both directions.
A Van Kampen diagram over a group G=⟨S∣R⟩ is a diagram D
over S such that for all faces of D, the label of the boundary of f
is labelled by some r±:r∈R. The area of such a diagram
is the number of faces.
§ Hyperbolic iff Linear Isopermetric Inequality is satisfied
A finitely presented group is hyperbolic if and of if its cayley grah
satisfies the linear isoperimetric inequality.
§ Deciding if elements are conjugate to each other
- If we can answer the question of whether two elements are conjugate to each other (does there exist a g such that ghg′=?=k), we can solve that an element is equal to the identity:
- Pick k=e. Then if we have ghg′=k=e, then gh=g hence h=e.
- If we can check that an element is equal to the identity, we can check for equality of elements. two elements k,l are equal iff kl′=e.
- So solving conjugacy automatically allows us to check of equality.
§ Proof that conjugacy is solvable for hyperbolic groups
Consider a solution to the problem of finding an x such that xgx−1=h.
We claim that due to the hyperbolicity of the space, such an x cannot be
"too long".
§ Key intuition for hyperbolicity allows us to control word length
- Suppose we are interested to find a g such that ghg−1=e
- We can think of this as a case where h is the base edge of a triangle, e is the opposite vertex, and g,g−1 are the other two sides:
/ \
g g^{-1}
/ \
- If the space is euclidea, then g and g−1 can be as long as they want to be while h stays the same. The angles gh,hg−1 will become larger, and the angle gg−1 will become smaller as the length gincreases.
- In a hyperbolic space, because the angle sum is less than 180, if we move e too far away, the h will "bend" to maintain the angle sum to be less than 180. But this means that we have distorted the h! There is a bound to how long we can make g before we start distorting h. This bound on g is exponential in the length of h.
- Alternatively, in a CAT-0 space, the base of the triangle cannot be too far away from the centroid. So we can't have e be moved too far away, because if ggets too large.
§ References