§ Nilradical is intersection of all prime ideals

§ Nilradical is contained in intersection of all prime ideals

Let x0x \in \sqrt 0. We must show that it is contained in all prime ideals. Since xx is in the nilradical, xx is nilpotent, hence xn=0x^n = 0 for some nn. Let pp be an arbitrary prime ideal. Since 0p0 \in p for all prime ideals, we have xn=0px^n = 0 \in p for xx. This means that xn=xxn1px^n = x \cdot x^{n-1} \in p, and hence xpxn1px \in p \lor x^{n-1} \in p. If xpx \in p we are done. If xn1px^{n-1} \in p, recurse to get xpx \in p eventually.

§ Proof 1: Intersection of all prime ideals is contained in the Nilradical

Let ff be in the intersection of all prime ideals. We wish to show that ff is contained in the nilradical (that is, ff is nilpotent). We know that RfR_f ( RR localized at ff) collapses to the zero ring iff ff is nilpotent. So we wish to show that the sequence:
0Rf0 \begin{aligned} 0 \rightarrow R_f \rightarrow 0 \end{aligned}

is exact. But exactness is a local property, so it suffices to check against each (Rf)m(R_f)_m for all maximal ideals mm. Since (Rf)m=(Rm)f(R_f)_m = (R_m)_f (localizations commute), let's reason about (Rm)f(R_m)_f. We know that RmR_m is a local ring as mm is prime (it is maximal), and thus RmR_m has only a single ideal mm. Since fmf \in m for all maximal ideal mm (since ff lives in the intersection of all prime ideals), localizing at ff in RmR_m blows up the only remaining ideal, collapsing us the ring to give us the zero ring. Thus, for each maximal ideal mm, we have that:
0(Rf)m0 \begin{aligned} 0 \rightarrow (R_f)_m \rightarrow 0 \end{aligned}

is exact. Thus, 0Rf00 \rightarrow R_f \rightarrow 0 is exact. Hence, ff is nilpotent, or ff belongs to the nilradical.

§ Proof 2: Intersection of all prime ideals is contained in the Nilradical

§ Lemma: SS contains zero iff S1R=0S^{-1} R = 0