§ Non examples of algebraic varieties

It's always good to have a stock of non-examples.

§ Line with hole: Algebraic proof

The set of points V{(t,t):t42,tR}mathbbR2V \equiv \{ (t, t) : t \neq 42, t \in \mathbb R \} \subseteq mathbb R^2 is not a variety. To prove this, assume it is a variety defined by equations I(V)I(V). Let f(x,y)I(V)R[x,y]f(x, y) \in I(V) \subseteq \mathbb R[x, y]. Since ff vanishes on VV, we must have f(a,a)=0f(a, a) = 0 for all a42a \neq 42 (since (a,a)V(a, a) \in V for all a42a \neq 42). So create a new function g(a)(a,a)g(a) \equiv (a, a). Now fg:RR=f(g(a))=f(a,a)=0f \circ g: \mathbb R \rightarrow \mathbb R = f(g(a)) = f(a, a) = 0. This polynomial (it is a composition of polynomial, and is thus a polynomial) has infinitely many zeroes, and is thus identically zero. So, f(g(a))=0f(g(a)) = 0, So f(a,a)=0f(a, a) = 0 for all aa. In particular, f(42,42)=0f(42, 42) = 0 for all equations that define VV, hence (42,42)I(V)(42, 42) \in I(V). But this does not give us the variety VV. Hence VV is not a variety.

§ Line with hole: Analytic proof

The set of points V{(t,t):t42,tR}mathbbR2V \equiv \{ (t, t) : t \neq 42, t \in \mathbb R \} \subseteq mathbb R^2 is not a variety. To prove this, assume it is a variety defined by equations I(V)I(V). Let f(x,y)I(V)R[x,y]f(x, y) \in I(V) \subseteq \mathbb R[x, y]. Since ff vanishes on VV, we must have f(a,a)=0f(a, a) = 0 for all a42a \neq 42 (since (a,a)V(a, a) \in V for all a42a \neq 42). Since ff is continuous, ff preserves limits. Thus, limx42f(x,x)=f(limx42(x,x))\lim_{x \to 42} f(x, x) = f(\lim_{x \to 42} (x, x)). The left hand side is zero, hence the right hand size must be zero. Thus, f(42,42)=0f(42, 42) = 0. But this can't be, because (42,42)∉V(42, 42) \not \in V.

§ Z\mathbb Z

The set Z\mathbb Z is not an algebraic variety. Suppose it is, and is the zero set of a collection of polynomials {fi}\{ f_i \}. Then for some fif_i, they must vanish on at least all of Z\mathbb Z, and maybe more. This means that fi(z)=0f_i(z) = 0 for all zZz \in \mathbb Z. But a degree nn polynomial can have at most nn roots, unless it is the zero polynomial. Since fif_i does not have a finite number of roots, fi=0f_i = 0. Thus, all the polynomials are identically zero, and so their zero set is not Z\mathbb Z; it is all of R\mathbb R.

§ The general story

In general, we are using a combinatorial fact that a nn degree polynomial has at most nn roots. In some cases, we could have used analytic facts about continuity of polynomials, but it suffices to simply use combiantorial data which I find interesting.