We have at our hands a commutative ring R, and we wish to study the ideal structure on the ring. In particular, we can combine ideals in the following ways:
it's not immediate from the definition that IJ is an ideal. The idea is that given a sum ∑kikjk∈IJ, we can write each ikjk=ik′, since the ideal I is closed under multiplication with R. This gives us ∑ik′=i′′∈I. Similarly, we can interpret ∑kikjk=∑kjk′=j′′k∈J. Hence, we get the containment IJ⊆I∩J.
By analogy to euler characteristic which arises from homology, we need to have I⊕J in the middle of our exact sequence. So we must have:
Now we need to decide on the relative ordering between I∩J and I+J.
There is no universal way to send IoplusJ→I∩J. It's an unnatural operation to restrict the direct sum into the intersection.
There is a universal way to send I⊕J→I+J: sum the two components. This can be seen as currying the addition operation.
Thus, the exact sequence must have I+J in the image of I⊕J. This forces us to arrive at:
The product ideal IJ plays no role, since it's not possible to define a product of modules in general (just as it is not possible to define a product of vector spaces). Thus, the exact sequence better involve module related operations. We can now recover CRT: